learning to Be loved
Finding Your Way From Distressed To Rest

About the book
In learning to BE LOVED, Finding Your Way from Distressed to Rest, you will encounter the gentle always-pursuing love of God. You will discover that He loves to meet and talk with you about everything you are concerned with. You will be invited to consider Words of invitation, truth and promise that Holy Spirit brought to Janis during a time of great distress. These Words will be signposts where you may listen for your own treasure that may be hidden at each seemingly small ‘dot on the map’ of this Word journey.
Abba Father has heard and captured every single tear you have cried. He is patiently intentional to bring His healing Presence in Jesus to your worst trauma and transform it into your greatest Victory. In learning to BE LOVED, you will discover a whole new way of living, free from disturbance and distress. You will learn to live and experience what it is to be genuinely Loved, joyfully at Rest in the heart of God.
“Your words were found and I ate them; and Your words were to me a joy and the rejoicing of my heart.” Jeremiah 15:16 AMPC
My Gift to YOU


- See and Hear how God speaks in intimate Relationship
- Leave Behind every Distress by Receiving God’s Rest
- Hear and Celebrate who Father God says you are
- Have long ago Wounds Transformed into Joyful Calling and Purpose
- BE LOVED – continually Held in the Father Heart of God
Janis is an author, wife, mom, and grandmother. By the Grace of God, she is a passionate writer and insightful intercessor, walking thankfully with Jesus for over 40 years. As an ardent lover of the Word and Spirit of God, Janis keeps her ear attuned to heaven, watching and listening for the voice of her Friend everywhere she goes. Janis loves the ministry of small intimate group gatherings and inviting others to experience the healing Rest found in the Father heart of God. She lives with her husband Grant in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.